Nothing To Fear: Gallery Guestbook


See what our other guests have said!

A. Munson, June 5th, 2020
”This is such a viscerally emotional piece. The combination of all the elements adds nuance to an already deep series of subjects. I liked how there were different visual elements tying them all together- the golden drops and points for example. I also really liked how each one felt sort of like a tarot card.

This is such an emotionally in depth project that i feel like I should go through it all again in order to be able to leave a more insightful or helpful comment, but it's clear that a ton of hard work, both literally and emotionally went into it.”

Christopher Patton, June 5th, 2020
”These are extraordinary. May I have your permission to share this project with a student now and then? I teach university lit and creative writing and sometimes have a student doing creative work around fears, anxieties, phobias. The power and confidence of your work would I think inspire them.”